

Exploration of the Experimental Teaching Model of Authentication of Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on the Integration of “Foundation-Design-Practice”

  • 摘要: 基于"基础-设计-实践"相结合的中药鉴定学实验教学模式包括基础性实验、设计性实验和实践性实验三个部分,新教学模式的改革旨在通过实践性强、贯通性强的课程体系,打破以单元实验操作教学、"教师讲授-学生操作-实验报告提交"为主要模式的传统中药鉴定学实验课教学方法,激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生综合设计能力并将掌握的知识技能运用于解决实际问题,提升中药鉴定学实验的教学效果。


    Abstract: The experimental teaching model of the authentication of Traditional Chinese Medicine,based on the integration of "Foundation-Design-Practice",includes three parts:basic experiments,design experiments,and practical experiments.The reform of this new teaching model aims to break away from the traditional approach of Traditional Chinese Medicine identification experiments,which mainly follows the sequence of "teacher lectures-student operations-experimental report submissions",and to replace it with a more practical and cohesive curriculum system.This innovative approach is designed to stimulate students' interest,foster their comprehensive design abilities,and enable them to apply the knowledge and skills they acquire to solve real-world problems,thereby improving the overall effectiveness of the authentication of Traditional Chinese Medicine experimental teaching.


