

Reflection on the Talents Training of New Medicine Course from the Perspective of Relational Being

  • 摘要: 推进新医科建设,培养高质量新医科人才是医学创新发展的重要任务。"关系性存在"作为一种元理论,对正确理解新医科人才的培养目标、优化学科专业布局、构建适切的教学内容、采用有效的教学方法具有重要的启发意义。"关系性存在"视角下,新医科人才培养质量的提升路径主要包括以下方面:在认识与理念层面上从实体性思维走向关系性思维;在教学交往层面上从个体中心走向关系视角;在教学情境层面上从高校内部走向协同育人。


    Abstract: It is an important task for the development of medical innovation to promote the construction of new medical course and to train high-quality new medical talents.As a meta-theory,"relational being" has important and enlightening significance to correctly understand the training objectives of new medical talents,optimize the layout of disciplines and specialties,construct appropriate pedagogical contents and adopt effective teaching methods.From the perspective of "relational being",the promotion path of the training quality of new medical talents mainly includes the following aspects:From substantive thinking to relational thinking on the level of cognition and reasoning;From individual-centered model to relationship-oriented paradigm on the level of teaching interaction;From internal universities to collaborative education on the level of teaching situation.


