The Exploration of Ideological and Political Elements in Physical Chemistry Course at Medical and Pharmaceutical Institutions
摘要: 物理化学是医药院校药学专业的重要专业基础课程,蕴含丰富的思政元素。为深入贯彻“以德育人”的教育理念,高校应充分借助课堂教学平台,深入挖掘物理化学课程中所蕴含的思政元素。文章对物理化学“表面现象”章节的思政元素进行探讨,阐述思政元素与相关内容融合的切入点。在教学过程中融入思政元素,既培养学生的学习兴趣,又提升了学生的思想道德修养。Abstract: Physical chemistry is an important foundational course for pharmacy major at medical and pharmaceutical institutions,containing rich ideological and political elements.To deeply implement the educational philosophy of "educating people by virtue",universities should make full use of classroom teaching platforms to explore the ideological and political elements contained in the physical chemistry curriculum.This article discusses the ideological and political elements in the "surface phenomena" chapter of physical chemistry,and elaborates on the integration points of these elements with related content.Integrating ideological and political elements into the teaching process not only cultivates students' interest in learning but also enhances their ideological and moral cultivation.