

Exploration on the Cultivation Path of Young Teachers Based on "Tutorial System"

  • 摘要: 青年教师的培养是高校可持续发展的关键之一,高校应建立"青年教师导师制",即从事教学科研工作且无高等学校教师工作经历的青年教师,均由资深教师对其进行"一对一"或"一对多"的指导。建立对青年教师的传帮带制度,帮助青年教师练好教学基本功,提高信息技术功力,组织青年教师申报教改课题,助其成长为复合型教学科研人才;应大力推动青年骨干教师国际研修项目,关心青年教师的个人发展。


    Abstract: The cultivation of young teachers is one of the key factors to the sustainable development of higher education institutions.The "young teacher tutorialsystem" should be established by universities,so that all young teachers who are engaged in teaching and scientific research with no higher education institution teaching experience should be guided one-on-one or one-to-many by senior teachers.Mentoring system should be set up for young teachers to help them practice basic pedagogical skills and improve information technology competence,actively encourage and facilitate young teachers to apply for the educational reform projects,helping young teachers grow into the well-rounded teaching and scientific research talents.In addition,international training programs should also be vigorously promoted for youth backbone teachers for their personal development.


