

Practical Exploration of Integrating Ideological and Political Elements into the Curriculum of Pharmaceutical Quality Inspection

  • 摘要: 全面推进课程思政建设是落实立德树人根本任务的战略举措,本文以药品食品检验专业药品质量检验课程为例,进行思政元素融入专业课程的实践。对接药品检验岗位,凝练出课程思政目标——技能精湛、诚信合规、使命担当;剖析教学内容,梳理出课程思政结合点;以理实一体化的课堂教学为主渠道,发挥专业课程承载的思政教育功能;以职业素养为核心,引导学生树立正确的职业理想;以在岗学习为依托,促进职业技能和职业精神深度融合,弘扬工匠精神。


    Abstract: The comprehensive promotion of ideological and political construction in curriculum is a strategic measure for implementing the fundamental task of fostering virtue and talents.Taking the pharmaceutical quality inspection course in the pharmaceutical and food inspection major as an example, this article explores the integration of ideological and political elements into professional courses.By aligning with the pharmaceutical inspection profession, the ideological and political goals of the course are refined, focusing on skills proficiency, integrity and compliance, and a sense of mission.Through analyzing the teaching content, the points of integration between ideological and political education and the course are identified.The integration of theory and practice in classroom teaching is the main channel to leverage the ideological and political education function of professional courses.With vocational ethics as the core, students are guided to establish correct vocational ideals.With on-the-job learning as the basis, the deep integration of vocational skills and professional spirit is advocated, and the spirit of craftsmanship is promoted.


