

Exploration on the New Teaching Mode of Biochemistry for InternationalStudents in Medical Colleges

  • 摘要: 以江苏省精品课程建设为契机,在参照国内医学留学生生物化学教学改革的经验基础上,结合实际,从师资遴选、教学模式改革、教学资源建设、复合式考核方式建立等诸多方面进行改革,建立具有南医特色的线上线下相结合的医学留学生生物化学新型教学模式,以期提升生物化学教学效果,提高本校留学生培养质量,为学校国际影响力的提升和我国"一带一路"倡议的实施作出应有贡献。


    Abstract: Taking the construction of excellent courses in Jiangsu Province as an opportunity, on the basis of referring to the experience of domestic medical students' biochemistry teaching reform, combined with the actual situation, the reform was carried out in many aspects, such as teacher selection, teaching model reform, teaching resource construction, and compound assessment method establishment to establish a new biochemistry teaching mode combining online and offline with the characteristics of Nanjing Medical University, in order to improve the effect of biochemistry teaching, improve the quality of the school's international students training, and the school's international influence and the implementation of China's Belt and Road Initiative.


