The Practice of Local Cases of Curriculum-based Ideological and Political Education in Pharmacognosy Teaching
摘要: 课程思政本土案例教学能激发学生投入社会实践的积极性,同时以学生亲身经历的本土案例作为生药学课程思政融合载体,能高效、巧妙地解决课程思政在实际教学中较难引起共鸣的瓶颈问题,同时大大提高学生投入学习积极性。实践表明课程思政本土案例教学更能结合学科特色和人才培养目标进行课程思政教育,能极大提高课程思政的教学效果,可为其他课程思政的教学提供借鉴。Abstract: The integration of local case teaching into curriculum-based ideological and political education (CIPE) can effectively stimulate students' enthusiasm for engaging in social practice.Using students' personal experiences with local cases as a vehicle for the integration of CIPE in pharmacognosy courses provides an efficient and innovative solution to the common challenge of fostering resonance in practical teaching.This approach significantly enhances students' motivation for learning.Practice has demonstrated that local case teaching in CIPE aligns more closely with disciplinary characteristics and talent cultivation objectives,thereby greatly improving the effectiveness of ideological and political education.It offers valuable insights for the implementation of CIPE in other courses.