

Analysis of the Pointcut and Teaching Method of Curriculum Ideological and Political Education in the Course of Pharmacognosy

  • 摘要: 根据课程知识体系特点,生药学思政主题设定为"在实践中成长,在探索中前进,在创新中发展"。课程教学团队从课堂到实践、从总论到各论,设计构建集"知识传授、能力提高和价值引领"为一体的课程育人体系,分析、凝练出若干思政切入点。核心知识点和核心实践目标为本课程思政的最佳切入点,易引起学生情感共鸣的沉浸式体验,是最佳育人教学方法。


    Abstract: According to the characteristics of the curriculum knowledge system of pharmacognosy,the theme of ideological and political affairs is set as "growing in practice,moving forward in exploration,and developing in innovation".From the classroom to practice,from the general frame to specific theory,pharmacognosy designs and constructs a curriculum education system integrating "knowledge impartment,ability improvement,and value guidance",analyzes and condenses a number of ideological and political entry points and their corresponding teaching methods.The core knowledge points and core practice objectives are the best entry points of ideological and political education in this course,and the immersive experience that can easily arouse students' emotional resonance is the ideal method for student cultivation.


