

Problems and Countermeasures in the Opening of Optional Courses in Higher Institutions of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • 摘要: 在"立德树人""以本为本""以学生为中心"原则指导下,对成都中医药大学近五年学生的任选课开课情况、不同年级学生选课与成绩进行分析,挖掘高等中医药院校在任选课开设中存在的问题,在设置课程类别与具体课程科学化、探索建立课程资源共享机制等方面提出应对措施,以期为学生提供更好的课程资源,切实助力学生进步与发展。JP


    Abstract: Under the guidance of the principles of "morality education","undergraduate education-focused" and "student-centered",this article focuses on the course-opening status of optional courses for students of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the past five years.Based on the analysis of the selection of courses by students of different grades and the score they obtained,the existing problems were further explored in the opening of optional courses in higher institutions of traditional Chinese medicine.Accordingly,the study puts forward countermeasures from the aspects of deep mining of class data,the scientific setting of course categories and specific courses design,along with the establishment of a course resource sharing mechanism,with the purpose to equip students with better curriculum resources and effectively promote students' learning progress and life-long development.


